Proyecto de Jonas Radl

Proyecto de Jonas Radl

Jonas Radl forma parte del proyecto coordinado por Xavier Coller: Red de investigación en Ciencias Sociales Experimentales. Aproximaciones experimentales al estudio de las democracias avanzadas (RedEx). Agencia Estatal de Investigación. RED2022-134531-T. 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024. La red tiene 8 nodos, la entidad coordinadora es la UNED.

Publicaciones de nuestros miembros desde 2023

Publicaciones de nuestros miembros desde 2023

Cabrales, Antonio, Antonio Alfonso, Pablo Brañas-Garza, y Ángel Sánchez. 2024. The complexity of climate change mitigation: An experiment with large groups. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 5: 015007.

Cabrales, Antonio, Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, y Judit Vall-Castelló. 2023. Women’s Education, Fertility and Children’s Health during a Gender Equalization Process: Evidence from a Child Labor Reform in Spain. European Economic Review, 154: 104411.

Cabrales, Antonio y Siddhartha Bandyopadhyayy. 2023. Pricing group membership. Mathematical Social Sciences, 123: 114-121.

Cabrales, Antonio, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Guillermo Mateu, Angel Sánchez, y Angela Sutan. 2023. Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach.  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 102: 101948.

Cabrales, Antonio, David Ramos, and Angel Sánchez. 2023. Central Banks and Climate Change: Does Climate Change Fit in Central Banks’ Mandates? (Part 1), Can Central Banks Intervene Now? And How? Arguments of “Opportunity” and “Suitability” (Part 2). The Business and Finance Law Review, 6:213-260.

Chauchard, Simon. (en prensa). “Who Actually Governs? Gender Inequality and Representation in Rural India”. ConRachel Brulé y Alyssa Heinze. Forthcoming at the Journal of Politics.

Chauchard, Simon (en prensa). “Misinformation and Support for Vigilantism: An Experiment in India and Pakistan” Con Sumitra Badrinathan y Niloufer Siddiqui. American Political Science Review.

Chauchard, Simon (en prensa). “Collecting WhatsApp Data for Social Science Research: Challenges and a Proposed Solution”. Con Kiran Garimella en “WhatsApp in the World: Disinformation, Encryption and Extreme Speech”. Sahana Udupa y Herman Wasserman (eds.). NYU University Press.

Chauchard, Simon. 2023. “I Don’t Think That’s True, Bro!” Social Corrections of Misinformation in India. Con Sumitra Badrinathan. International Journal of Press and Politics.

Chauchard, Simon. 2024. “Researching and Countering Misinformation in the Global South”. Con Sumitra Badrinathan. Current Opinions in Psychology.

Claveria, Sílvia, Juan J. Fernández y Marga Torre. 2024. “Multidimensional Domestic Gender Inequality and the Global Diffusion of Women’s Ministries, 1975–2015”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. DOI:

Claveria, Sílvia y Sebastián Lavezzolo. 2023. “Don’t Put a Ring on It: Gender Stereotypes in Citizens’ Preferences for Executive Positions. International Political Science Review. DOI:

Domènech, Jordi, Sergi Basco y Joan R. Rosés. 2024 “Unequal Mortality During the Spanish Flu: Regions, Occupations, Age, and Gender”. Economics & Human Biology, volume 52, art. 101318.

Domènech, Jordi, Sergi Basco y Laura Maravall. 2023. “Land Reform and Rural Conflict in Agrarian Economies Evidence from 1930s Spain”, Explorations in Economic History, 89, art. 101530.

Fishman, Robert. (en prensa). “Deepening or Endangering Democracy: Demonstrations and Institutions under Representative Government”, Perspectives on Politics, publicado online Enero 2024.

Fishman, Robert. 2023. “Portugal Before and after Democracy: New Forms of Dualism and Success”, Análise Social, 58(4): 790-805.

García Albacete, Gema. 2023. ”Disinterested or Enraged? Understanding People’s Political Interest”. Con Mónica Ferrín, Acta Política. Publicado online Agosto 26. Doi:

García Albacete, Gema. 2023. “Priming or Learning? The Influence of Pension Policy Information on Individual Preferences in Germany, Spain and the United States”, Journal of European Social Policy. Con Fernández, Juan J., Antonio M. Jaime Castillo y Jonas Radl). Primero publicado online Abril 18.

Kraft, Patrick W. y Benjamin J. Newman. (en prensa). “Complaints About Police Misconduct Have Adverse Effects for Black Citizens”. Political Science Research and Methods.

Kraft, Patrick W., Schlegel, Benjamin y Lukas Stoetzer. 2023. “When Information Is Not Enough for Strategic Voting”. Electoral Studies, 86(102692): 1–6.

Kraft, Patrick W. 2023. “Change My View: Do Moral Appeals Facilitate Compromise?” En: Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck. Eds.: Thorsten Faas, Sascha Huber, Mona Krewel y Sigrid Roßteutscher. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 169–198.

Gabriel L. Negretto, 2024. “Autocratization by Legal Means in Weak Presidential Democracies”, en Aurel Croissant y Luca Tomini (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. Routledge.

Negretto, Gabriel L. y Philip Keefer. 2024. “Shifting Electorates and Preferences in Chile´s Constitutional Process.” PS: Political Science & Politics; 57(2): 248-252. doi:10.1017/S1049096523000902.10.

Negretto, Gabriel L., Guillermo Larrain y Stefan Voigt. 2023. “How Not to Write a Constitution: Lessons from Chile”. Public Choice, vol. 194, 3-4.

Negretto, Gabriel L. y Kenneth Bunker. 2023. “The Party System Effects of Unstable Electoral Rules in Latin America”. Party Politics, 2023, 0 (0).

Ozel, Isik. 2024. “Erosion of Economic Institutions in the Age of Democratic Backsliding: An Analysis of the Turkish Case”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, publicado online: 16 mayo.

Radl, Jonas y William Foley. 2024. “Parenting Practices and Children’s Cgnitive Effort: A Laboratory Study”, Journal of Early Adolescence, publicado el 26 abril.

Radl, Jonas y Manuel T. Valdés. 2024. Month of Birth and Cognitive Effort: A Laboratory Study of the Relative Age Effect among Fifth Graders, Social Forces, publicado el 21 de febrero,

Radl, Jonas, Lea Kröger y Alberto Palacios-Abad. 2024. “Non-cognitive Skills and Intergenerational Inequality: Reviewing the Power of Personality”. En: Jil Blanden, Jani Erola, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Lindsey Macmillan (Eds.). Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Radl, Jonas, Gertraud Stadler, Marie Chesaniuk, Stephanie Haering, Julia Roseman, Vera Maren Straßburger, Martina Schraudner y Grupo de trabajo de eveluación de la diversidad. 2023. “Diversified Innovations in the Health Sciences. Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DiMIS)”. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 33(junio), 101072.

Riera, Pedro y Robert Liñeira. 2024. “Why do Majoritarian Systems Benefit the Right? Testing for the Micro-Level Foundations of Electoral Rules’ Ideological Effects”. Political Science Research and Methods.

Riera, pedro, Enrique García-Viñuela y Nicolas Motz. 2024. “Voting for Trade Protectionist Parties: Evidence from nine waves of the European Social Survey”. European Union Politics.

Riera, Pedro y Amuith Amuitz Garmendia. 2024. “The Nationalization of Subnational Elections in Polarized Spain: The May 2023 Regional and Local Elections”. South European Society and Politics.

Riera, Pedro y Amuitz Garmendia. 2023. “Overlapping Polarization: On the Contextual Determinants of the Interplay between Ideological and Affective Polarization”. Electoral Studies,84, 102628.

Riera, Pedro. 2023. “Socioeconomic Heterogeneity and Party System Fragmentation”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 33:3, 377-397.

Riera, Pedro e Ignacio Lago. 2023. “The Strategic Determinants of Legislative Malapportionment in New Democracies”. Electoral Studies, 81:1, 102568.

Riera, Pedro, Xavier Romero y Lluís Orriols. 2023. “Moving Beyond the Economy: Executive Approval in Spain”, in Timothy Hellwig and Matthew Singer, eds., Economics and Politics Revisited, Oxford University Press.

Sánchez-Cuenca, Ignacio. 2023. “Left-Wing Extremism and Violence”. En José Pedro Zuquete (ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Left-Wing Extremism, 105-120. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

Sánchez-Cuenca, Ignacio y Luis de la Calle. 2024. “Underground Violence. On the Nature of Terrorism”. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sojka, A., Liisa Talving y Sofia Vasilopoulou. 2024. “Free to move, reluctant to share: Unequal opposition to transnational rights under the EU’s free movement principle”. European Union Politics, 25(2), 269-290.

Torre, Marga, Juan J Fernández y Sílvia Claveria. 2024. “Multidimensional domestic gender inequality and the global diffusion of women’s ministries, 1975–2015”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 0(0).

Torre, Marga. 2023. “Women in the New Labor Activism: Gender Trends in Attitudes Toward Unions”. Work and Occupations, 50(3), 412–419.

Torre, Marga 2024. “Separados y desiguales: Un análisis de la segregación ocupacional de género en España”. En León, B, Carbonell, J. and J. Soria (Eds.), Las desigualdades en España (pp. 117-129).

Travieso, Emiliano. 2024. ‘Environment, Slavery, and Agency in Colonial Uruguay, 1750-1810’, Past & Present (forthcoming November 2024) [DOI: 10.1093/pastj/gtad031]

Travieso, Emiliano y T. Westland. 2024. “What happened to the workshop of West Africa? Resilience and decline of handicraft textiles in colonial Northern Nigeria, 1911-1952”, Economic History Review, Early View [DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13324]

Travieso, Emiliano, Martínez de la Fuente, J. e Infante-Amate, J. 2024. “Historical changes in Mediterranean rural settlements (Southern Spain, 1787-2019)”, Journal of Rural Studies, 106, 103217. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103217]

Traveiso, Emiliano y Herranz-Loncán, A. 2023. “Uruguay: The Rise of a Monocentric Economy”, en Valencia Caicedo (ed.) Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic (and Political) History of Latin America and the Caribbean, Palgrave-Macmillan, 433-462. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-38723-4_15]

Vall-Prat, Pau y Toni Rodon. 2024. “The Spanish 2023 general elections: unexpected snap elections to survive in power”, West European Politics,

Villamil, Francisco, Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte, and José Rama. (en prensa). “Rally ‘round the barrack: Far-right support and the military. The Journal of Politics.

Villamil, Francisco, Laia Balcells y Juan F Tellez. 2024. “The wars of others: The effect of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Spanish nationalism”. The Journal of Politics 86(1): 352-357.

Villamil, Francisco. 2023. “Civilian victimization and ethnic attitudes in Africa”. European Political Science Review 15(4): 617-627.

Villamil, Francisco y Laia Balcells. 2023. “The legacies of authoritarian repression on civil society”. WIDER Working Paper 1/2023, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki.

Proyecto de Jonas Radl

Jonas Radl recibe el premio “LIVES Best Poster Award”

Jonas Radl ha a recibido el premio “LIVES Best Poster Award” por su paper (coautorado con A. Ferrara y J.P. Heisig) The Impact of Parental Health Shocks on Well-being and Development in Early Adulthood: Evidence from Germany. Conference poster prize, Nov. 2023. Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research (LIVES).