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February 2022 - Archive


Open call for the IC3JM's postgraduate programs


IC3JM offers places for its postgraduate programs.

Master in Social Sciences

This is an academic research Master’s, of two years (120 credits), wholly given in English.

It aspires to be a Master’s with an international reputation within the Social Sciences, as demanding, intense and rigorous as the best postgraduate programs in the United States and Europe.

The aim of this Master’s is to teach students to undertake high level research in the key themes of the Social Sciences. The Master’s provides advanced and interdisciplinary training in the Social Sciences, by stressing the importance of methodology and quantitative analysis.

The Master’s covers three fields: Political Science, Sociology and Economic History.

In the first year, all courses are common, with two differentiated blocks: on the one hand, substantive courses in Sociological Analysis, Social Stratification, Comparative Politics, Economic History and Political Economy; on the other, methodological courses in Statistics, Game Theory and Research Design.

In the second year, there are some additional methodological courses and the student can choose one of the three specialized routes (Political Science, Sociology, or Economic History).

Master’s students can continue their research in the Doctorate in Social Sciences that the Department of Social Sciences of the UC3M offers in collaboration with IC3JM.

The Master's teaching staff is composed of members of IC3JM, the Department of Social Sciences and the Departments of Economics and Statistics of Carlos III University, and visiting professors.

More information can be found on the Master’s website.


Master in Computational Social Science

This is a professionally oriented Master. It is a one-year course taught entirely in English.

Computational Social Science is a new and exciting field that combines the tools of computer science and data science with the knowledge of Social Sciences. This Master offers specialized training in new computational approaches based on predictive models, text analysis, and network science to analyze society in a new and revealing way.

The Master is aimed at students with a background in Social Sciences, Economics and Communication, and prepares them to work in the professional and academic field, as well as to lead and supervise interdisciplinary teams in the field of Computational Social Science.

More information can be found on the Master’s website.


Master in Political and Electoral Analysis

This is a professionally oriented Master, which seeks to produce analysts who have profound knowledge both of political surveys and public opinion and the strategies that political and social actors follow. It is a one-year course (60 credits).

The Master is given in Spanish and is aimed at students and professionals who are interested in understanding public opinion, the tools for its analysis (survey techniques, graphic analysis, experiments, big data analysis) and undertaking political and electoral analysis, academic and professionally.

It offers highly varied courses led by some of the leading experts on public opinion and politics in Spain, both at the University and in research companies.

The Master includes placements in companies and research institutes.

More information can be found on the Master’s website.

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