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February 2022 - Archive


IC3JM’s researchers’ recent or forthcoming publications


Domènech, Jordi and Juan J. Fernández. 2021 “Socio-Economic Determinants of Survival in a Nazi Concentration Camp: the Experience of Spanish Prisoners at Mauthausen.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 52(3), pp. 351-382.

Domènech, Jordi and Pablo Martinelli. 2021. “Spontaneous or Programmatic? Land Occupations during Spain's Second Republic (1931-1936).” Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American History, 39(3), pp. 391-426.

Domènech, Jordi, Sergi Basco and Joan R. Rosés. 2021. “The Redistributive Effects of Pandemics: Evidence on the Spanish Flu.” World Development, vol. 141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105389

Domènech, Jordi and Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca. 2021: “The Long Shadow of Agrarian Conflict: Land Inequality and Vorting in Spain.” British Journal of Political Science, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007123421000387

Doten-Snitker, Kerice. 2021. “Contexts of State Violence: Jewish Expulsions in the Holy Roman Empire.” Social Science History 45(1): 131–63. doi:10.1017/ssh.2020.39.

Doten-Snitker, Kerice, Cara Margherio, Elizabeth Litzler, Ella Ingram and Julia Williams. 2021. “Developing a Shared Vision for Change: Moving toward Inclusive Empowerment.” 62(2), pp. 206-229 Research in Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s11162-020-09594-9.

Escobar, M., Elena Gil and Cristina Calvo. 2022. “Análisis de la dinámica, la estructura y el contenido de los mensajes de Twitter: violencia sexual.” In #Cuéntalo. Empiria, 53, 89-119. doi: https://doi.org/10.5944/empiria.53.2022.32614

Escobar, Modesto, Carlos García Figuerola, Ángel F. Zazo Rodríguez and José L. Alonso Berrocal. 2021. “Redes y comunidades de descriptores en artículos de Biblioteconomía y Ciencia de la Información (1971-2020): análisis de su evolución temporal mediante técnicas de análisis de redes. Scire,” 27(1), 71-84. Doi: https://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4778

Escobar, Modesto, Miguel Ángel. Quintanilla and Libia Santos. 2021. “Efectos de factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos de cultura científica en la innovación empresarial.” In J. Rey and I. López (eds.), Cultura científica y empresa (pp. 29-46). Madrid: CSIC. http://libros.csic.es/product_info.php?products_id=1564

Escobar, Modesto, Rosa M. Soriano, M. Ángeles. Calvo and Antonio Trinidad. 2021. “Comparación internacional de la evolución temática de la investigación sociológica en dos revistas indexadas (1995-2018).” REIS, 175, 145-160. doi: https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.175.145

Fernández, Juan J. and Jonas Radl. Forthcoming. “Pension Policy Literacy and Retirement Expectations: A Cross-Country Survey Experiment,” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbab161

Fernández, Juan J. Forthcoming. “Women’s Civil Rights and the Worldwide Liberalization of Abortion on Demand and for Socio-economic Reasons,” The Sociological Quarterly.

Fernández, Juan and Celia Valiente. 2021. “Gender Quotas and Public Demand for Increasing Women’s Representation in Politics: An Analysis of 28 European Countries,” European Political Science Review, 13, 351-370. doi:10.1017/S1755773921000126

Fernández, Juan J. and Jordi Domènech. 2021 “Socio-Economic Determinants of Survival in a Nazi Concentration Camp: the Experience of Spanish Prisoners at Mauthausen.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 52(3), pp. 351-382.

Fernández, Juan J., Antonio Jaime-Castillo, Damon Mayrl and Celia Valiente. 2021. “Societal Religiosity and the Gender Gap in Political Interest, 1990-2014,” British Journal of Sociology.

Fishman, Robert M. Forthcoming. “Regime Transitions as Critical Junctures: Cultural Legacies of Democratization in Spain and Portugal,” pp. 265-287 In David Collier and Gerardo L. Munck (eds.), Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies: Insights and Methods for Comparative Social Science. Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, MD.

Fishman, Robert M. Forthcoming. Forthcoming. “From Problematic Laggard to Star of the South? The Comparative Significance of the Portuguese Case.” In Jorge Fernandes, Pedro Magalhaes and António Costa Pinto (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics. Oxford University Press.

Fishman, Robert M. and Alejandro Tirado Castro. 2021, “How Democracy Works: Divergent Perspectives of Representatives and Citizens,” pp. 183-203 in Xavier Coller and Leonardo Sánchez-Ferrer (eds.), Politicians in Hard Times: Spanish and South European MPs Facing Citizens. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland.

Fishman, Robert M. 2021. Práctica Democrática e Inclusión: La Divergencia entre España y Portugal. Catarata: Madrid.

García-Albacete, Gema and Simone Abenschön. 2021. “It’s A Man’s (Online) World. Personality Traits and the Gender Gap in Online Political Discussion,” Information, Communication and Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.1962944 Free copy here

García-Albacete, Gema and Javier Lorente. 2021. “Has the Great Recession Shaped a Crisis Generation of Critical Citizens? Evidence from Southern Europe.” South European Society and Politics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2021.1949672  Free copy here

García-Albacete, Gema. 2021. “Jóvenes y política: actitudes y preferencias.” In Pablo Simón (ed.) Informe de la Juventud en España 2020. Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud

García-Albacete, Gema 2021. “Socialización política de la juventud.” In Pablo Simón (ed.) Informe de la Juventud en España 2020. Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud

García-Albacete, Gema 2021. “La participación política de la juventud.” In Pablo Simón (ed.) Informe de la Juventud en España 2020. Madrid: Instituto de la Juventud

Garmendia Madariaga, Amuitz. 2021. “How Bad Is It? Variation in Perceptions of Regional Economic Conditions. 2021. Regional Studies 55(6): 1140-1153.

Garmendia Madariaga, Amuitz and Alberto Penadés (Eds). 2021. “Informe sobre la Democracia en España [Report on Spanish Democracy]. Fundación Alternativas, ISBN: 978-84-18677-18-2.

Garmendia Madariaga, Amuitz. 2021. “The Political Determinants of Decentralization.” In Ignacio Lago Peñas (Ed.) Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State. Edward Elgar Publishing, London.

Garmendia Madariaga, Amuitz. 2021. “Fiscal Decentralization.” In Laura Seelkopf and Lukas Hakelberg (Eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Edward Elgar Publishing, London.

Jurado, Ignacio, Sandra León and Stefani Walter. 2021. “Shaping Post-withdrawal Relations with a Leaving State: Brexit Dilemmas and Public Opinion.” International Organization. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020818321000412

Jurado, Ignacio and Sandra León. 2021. “Attributions of Responsibility in Multilevel States.” In Ignacio Lago Peñas (Ed.) Handbook on Decentralization. Edward Elgar Publishing, London.

Lavezzolo, Sebastian, Luis Ramiro and Pablo Fernández-Vázquez. 2021. “The Will for Reason: Voter Demand for Experts in Office.” West European Politics 44(7): 1506-1531. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2020.1778917

Lavezzolo, Sebastián, Luis Ramiro and Pablo Fernández-Vázquez. 2021. “Technocratic Attitudes in COVID‐19 times: Change and Preference over Types of Experts.” European Journal of Political Research. DOI: https:///doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12491

Lavezzolo, Sebastián, Pablo Fernández-Vázquez and Luis Ramiro. 2021. “Expertos o representantes políticos.” Informe sobre la democracia en España 2020: 151.

León, Sandra, Ignacio Jurado and Stefani Walter. 2021. “Shaping Post-withdrawal Relations with a Leaving State: Brexit Dilemmas and Public Opinion.” International Organization. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020818321000412

León, Sandra and Lluís Orriols. 2021. “Looking for Affective Polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from Conflict to Coalition.” South European Society and Politics, 25(3-4): 351-379. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2021.1911440

León, Sandra e Ignacio Jurado. 2021. “Attributions of Responsibility in Multilevel States.” In Ignacio Lago Peñas (Ed.). Handbook on Decentralization, Edward Elgar Publishing, London.

Mayoral, Juan A., Mikael Rask Madsen, Anton Strezhnev and Erik Voeten. 2021. “Sovereignty, Substance, and Public Support for European Courts’ Human Rights Rulings.” American Political Science Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055421001143

Mayoral, Juan A. and Marlene Wind. 2021. “Unleashed Dialogue or Captured by Politics? The Impact of Judicial Independence on National Higher Courts’ Cooperation with the CJEU.” Journal of European Public Policy. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13501763.2021.1974925

Mayoral, Juan A. and Tom Pavone. 2021. “Statistics as if Legality Mattered: The Two-Front Politics of Empirical Legal Studies.” In The Politics of European Legal Research: Unveiling the Stakes Behind the Method. Marija Bartl, Pola Cebulak and Jessica Lawrence (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3716791

Orriols, L. and Sandra León. 2021 “Looking for Affective Polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from Conflict to Coalition.” South European Society and Politics, 25(3-4): 351-379.

Özel, Isik D. and Asli Unan. 2021. “Decoupling Trends: Drivers of Agency Independence in Telecommunications, An Analysis of High and Middle-Income Countries,” Regulation and Governance, vol.15, no.1, pp.32-62, DOI:10.1111/REGO.12246.

Özel, Isik D. 2021. “Politics of Delegated Governance: Reforming Vocational Education and Training,” Socio-Economic Review, published online 15/11/2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwab053.

Özel, Isik D. 2021. “Market Integration and Transformation of Business Politics: Diverging Trajectories of Corporatisms in Mexico and Turkey,” Socio-Economic Review, 19: 1, 219–245. https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy028

Polavieja, Javier G., Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth. Bram Lancee, Edvard Nergård Larsen, Jonas Radl and Ruta Yemane. 2021. “Gender Discrimination in Hiring Evidence from a Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment,” European Sociological Review, jcab043, https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcab043.

Polavieja, Javier, Lucinda Platt and Jonas Radl. 2021. “Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of Policies and Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe.” International Migration Review, Online First, https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183211032677.

Radl, Jonas, Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Bram Lancee, Edvard Nergård Larsen, Javier G. Polavieja and Ruta Yemane. 2021. “Gender Discrimination in Hiring. Evidence from a Cross-national Harmonized Field Experiment.” European Sociological Review. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcab043

Radl, Jonas and Juan J. Fernández. 2021. “Pension Policy Literacy and Retirement Expectations. A Cross-country Survey Experiment,” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbab161

Radl, Jonas, Lucinda Platt and Javier G. Polavieja. 2021. “Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of National Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe,” International Migration Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183211032677

Radl, Jonas and Luis Miller. 2021. “Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1447-1456. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764221996792

Radl, Jonas, Paula Apascaritei and Simona Demel. 2021. “The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders,” American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1457-1479. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764221996772

Richards, Andrew. 2022. Forthcoming. “Strikes in the European Context.” In David A. Snow, Donatella della Porta, Bert Klandermans and Doug McAdam (eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (Second Edition).

Sánchez.Cuenca, Ignacio and Jordi Domènech. 2021: “The Long Shadow of Agrarian Conflict: Land Inequality and Vorting in Spain.” British Journal of Political Science, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007123421000387

Torre, Margarita and Jerry. A. Jacobs. 2021. “The Gender Mobility Paradox: Gender Segregation and Women’s Mobility across Gender-type Boundaries, 1970-2018.” Gender and Society, 35(6): 853-883. https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/gasa/35/6

Torre, Margarita. 2021. “La juventud y el empleo.” In Informe Juventud en España 2020. Ed.: Instituto de la Juventud. http://www.injuve.es/sites/default/files/adjuntos/2021/11/informe_juventud_espana_2020_0_1_wdb_v1.pdf

Torre, Margarita. 2021. “Movilidad de clase y expectativas de futuro de la población joven.” In Informe Juventud en España 2020. Ed.: Instituto de la Juventud. http://www.injuve.es/sites/default/files/adjuntos/2021/11/informe_juventud_espana_2020_0_1_wdb_v1.pdf

Torre, Margarita and Pablo Simón. 2021. “La juventud. Una panorámica de contexto.” In Informe Juventud en España 2020. Ed.: Instituto de la Juventud. http://www.injuve.es/sites/default/files/adjuntos/2021/11/informe_juventud_espana_2020_0_1_wdb_v1.pdf

Villamil, Francisco. Forthcoming. “Violence, Co-optation, and Postwar Voting in Guatemala.” Conflict Management and Peace Science.

Villamil, Francisco and Laia Balcells. 2021. “Do TJ Policies Cause Backlash? Evidence from Street Name Changes in Spain.” Research and Politics, 8(4). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20531680211058550

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