Project of Sandra León and Amuitz Garmendia

Project of Sandra León and Amuitz Garmendia

A research project that explores the relationship between crisis, polarization and federalism (FEDCRISIS). The project is headed by Amuitz Garmendia and Sandra León (Department of Social Sciences and Carlos III-Juan March Institute, IC3JM). The research team includes Pablo Beramendi (Duke University), Berta Barbet (Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern), Elias Dinas (European University Institute) and Manuel Sola (European University Institute). The project is funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI, Reference: PID2021-128287NB-I00).

Projects of Juan J. Fernández

Projects of Juan J. Fernández

Research project: Education and Pro-European Orientation among Spain’s Youth: An Inquiry on Causal Mechanisms (YOEDER). Funded by the State Research Agency (September 2022-September 2026).

Position: Coordinator of the Sociology subarea in the Social Sciences Panel of the State Research Agency (November 2022-)

Projects of Gema García Albacete

Projects of Gema García Albacete

HORIZON project G-EPIC (HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01-03) “Gender Empowerment through Politics in Classrooms” which was developed throughout 2022. The project is coordinated by the University of Brussels and Gema García-Albacete is Principal Investigator of the Spanish team.

2021-2024. GENPOL III: “Gender Gaps in Political Involvement: Age, Work-family Balance, and the local and National Levels”. Financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ref: PID2020-115568RB-I00) Coordinated by Gema García-Albacete and Mónica Ferrín.

2018-2022. COST ACTION CA17114. Participate as a member of the Management Committee in ‘Transdisciplinary Solutions to Cross Sectoral Disadvantage in Youth’.


She has two UC3M grants for the preparation/presentation of European projects.

Projects of Jordi Domènech

Projects of Jordi Domènech

Desigualdad, re-distribución y conflicto civil in sociedades históricas. Lecciones del caso español (WIRE) [Inequality, redistribution and civil conflict in historical societies. Lessons from the Spanish case]

Project type: State Project

Start date: 01/06/2020

End date: 05/31/2023

Funding Entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)