Workshop on the Political Economy of South Asia

Workshop on the Political Economy of South Asia

A workshop entitled “European Meeting on the Political Economy of South Asia” organized by Professor Simon Chauchard (IC3JM member and UC3M Distinguished Research Fellow in Political Science), Francesca Jensenius (University of Oslo) and Pavithra Suryanarayan (LSE) will be held on March 3, 2023. This is a research workshop on the political economy of South Asia. There will be no presentations. Instead, six papers will be available in advance and discussed in a small group setting. Participants, in addition to the organizers, will include: Milan Vaishnav (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Ankita Barthwal (University of Oslo), Rabia Malik (University of Essex), Sam Asher (Imperial College London) Diego Maiorano (Napoli L’Orientale), Zuheir Desai (IE Madrid), Emmy Lindstam (IE Madrid), Akshay Mangla (University of Oxford) and Nick Haas (Aarhus University).

Workshop on the Political Economy of South Asia

Workshop for Master’s in Social Sciences’ students

On June 8 and 9, 2023, we will hold in Getafe the first workshop of Master students in social sciences organized by the University of Barcelona (IPERG, IEB and the Economic History and Development Research Group) together with the Carlos III-Juan March Institute. This is an academic workshop in which 10 Master’s students (five from each institution) will present the research projects they are working on for their Master’s thesis. The event will be organized by Sandra León and Sebastián Lavezzolo representing the Master in Social Science (IC3JM) and Pilar Sorribas and Frances Amat representing the Master in Institutions and Political Economy (UB).

Project “The Relevance of judicial trust for the legal integration of Europe”

Project “The Relevance of judicial trust for the legal integration of Europe”

Researcher and IC3JM member Juan A. Mayoral has received almost two million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) after obtaining a Consolidator Grant, aimed at researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience who want to consolidate a research group. UC3M is one of the eleven Spanish universities that have secured funding in this call.

“The Relevance of judicial trust for the legal integration of Europe” is the title of the research project led by Juan Antonio Mayoral, which has received ERC funding for the next five years. Its main objective is to define the interdisciplinary nature of the concept of trust among judges in the legal system of the European Union. Within the framework of the project, empirical indicators will be developed to be useful in various aspects. First, they will help determine the legal, sociological, and political factors that lead judges to trust or distrust each other. Secondly, these indicators will be used to verify the impact that judicial trust has on cooperation between courts through mechanisms such as preliminary rulings, where national judges have the power to request assistance from the Court of Justice of the European Union in interpreting EU law.

For this work, the project will implement a mixed-methods design combining legal analysis of judicial decisions with interviews, experiments, and surveys of judges from the 27 EU member states and the Court of Justice of the EU.